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GEL 111: Introduction to Geology

This Research Guide provides information about geology and natural science resources found in the CCCC libraries and online.

Identifying concepts and keywords

Break your topic down into its basic parts...

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Identify the Main Concepts

Write your research question down.  Underline the main ideas in that question.

Example: How does aging affect memory loss?

Make a list of keywords

For each concept, make a list of keywords related to it.  Use synonyms, and go back to your background research to find academic vocabulary and terms.  

Example: Aging, elderly, seniors, aged, growing older, senescent, old age, geriatric...

For help developing a search strategy, schedule an appointment with your Librarian.

Or use this work sheet to guide you:

Library Lingo

key iconKeyword: A word used to search for information in a search engine or library resource.  A good keyword will relate to one of the main concepts of your research question.  Using a keyword in a search will bring up articles that use that word in a significant or important way.

Turning your research question into a search strategy

This slideshow will go over the steps of creating an effective search strategy.  Watch it to gets tips for turning your research question into a search strategy.


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Need a little extra help?

Contact your librarian. 

Or use the links below to get more in-depth help and information.