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Bioprocess Technologies

This Research Guide provides information about biomaintenance resources found in the CCCC libraries and online.

What are citations?

What are citations, and why do we need them?


quotation marks iconA citation is your way of telling readers how to find the information, data, opinions, and quotes upon which you based your paper. It gives your readers the information they need to locate the sources you used as evidence to back up your arguments, or the exact texts that you analyzed. 


A citation includes:

  • The Author's names 
  • The title of the work
  • Dates of publication
  • Information about the Publishing Body
  • the date your copy was published
  • Relevant information about location such as page numbers, and volume and issue numbers for articles from periodical publications

APA Resources

What is APA Style?

quill iconAPA stands for American Psychological Association. APA style was created by social scientists to standardize scientific writing. Some fields that use it include: Allied Health, Business, Criminal Justice, Education, Political Science, and Social Work.

APA Citations Video