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Why use a Research Guide?
This guide is your secret weapon when it comes to research. It will walk you through each step of the research process and point out the best tools and resources the library has to help you along the way.
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For Help with Research
Use the menu to the left to review each step of the research process or get help with these concepts:
Look for Callouts
Every page has a few special boxes to guide you as you learn. Look for them as you go!
Library Lingo: a brief definition of some of the terms you'll see in the guide.
Tutorials: Each page in this guide includes at least one video or activity to help you see concepts from a different angle or practice them yourself.
Help! At the bottom of each page is a box for help. The box includes a link to contact your librarian, and links out to resources or other campus departments that can help you learn even more.
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Don't Have Time to Follow the Guide?
Use the Resources listed below to access the Library's Best Bets for finding sources in this class!