Self-published books? They get a bad rap. It may stem from the knowledge that anyone can self-publish now with the help of platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing and Draft2Digital that offer an easy process with a low barrier of entry. Self-published authors often put up their work without the benefits afforded to traditional authors such as editors, proofreaders, publicists or art directors. And sometimes quality suffers without them. As subject materials purchasers, we only want to buy the best quality books for our students and patrons. On the following tabs you can explore different ways to identify self-published authors including what to look for and what to avoid!
Clues to identify a self-published author:
Carnoy, David. “Self-publishing a book: 25 things you need to know.”, 13 June, 2012, Accessed 21 June 2023.
Anyone who loves Harry Potter may or may not know that J.K. Rowling’s manuscript was rejected 12 times before Bloomsbury accepted it.* Just getting your work seen by a publisher can take months, if not years. More and more authors are making use of self-publishing to get their material out into the world. And while this is a good thing for them, it can make the hunt for quality material that much harder for collection development librarians. But there are ways to sort through the never-ending sea of choices if you are curious about works by self-published authors.
*Millington, Alison. “The Original Synopsis of Harry Potter That J.K. Rowling Sent to Publishers Has Been Revealed - Here’s the First Page.” Business Insider, 26 Oct. 2017, Accessed 21 June 2023.
**“Research the Author.” Reading Rockets, 24 July 2013, Accessed 21 June 2023.
Because self-published authors by-pass the vetting process, the vetting process now falls on you, the purchaser! Self-published authors often sell via ebook and offer a “Look inside” preview. Typically this includes the first few pages, table of contents and maybe even a chapter or two.
Take advantage of this feature and read as much as you can of the book because you may be able to get a feel for the author’s writing style, narrative voice and storytelling ability. This preview provides a look inside an author’s ability to engage readers, establish a captivating narrative or show expertise in a field of study. A preview may also show you the author’s command of the language and whether or not they’ve checked for grammatical errors or have proofread thoroughly. If you are purchasing non-fiction for an academic library, seek collaborative help from your subject specialists and fellow instructors.
Remember editors are important! Self-published authors can hire them, too. Is one listed in the preview? By “looking inside” a purchaser can find a lot of valuable information (or lack thereof) and make an informed decision about whether or not a book meets their quality standards.
Editing & Proofreading
When looking at a sample, potential purchasers can get a good look at an author's use of editing and proofreading. Good editing is essential to ensure that the written materials you purchase are error-free, grammatically correct and effectively convey their intended message. Here are some things to consider when evaluating a self-published book:
Cover Design
Self-published authors have to do everything themselves and that also includes finding book cover art. With AI-generated images becoming more sophisticated and more accessible, designing good book covers is getting easier so identifying self-published works will become harder. But for now, another way to identify self-published works is examining the quality of the book cover design. Check for these elements:
*Hoy, Angela. “Top Signs a Book Is Self-Published.” WritersWeekly.Com, 28 Sept. 2011, Accessed 21 June 2023.
**Editing and Proofreading.” The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Accessed 21 June 2023.
***Hampton, Sarah. "Importance of a Good Book Cover Design: Grabbing Attention and Enhancing Sales." LinkedIn, 3 July 2023, Accessed 21 June 2023.
Both traditional publishers and self-published books have awards. Here are some, but certainly not all, notable awards that can help you discover quality books from self-published authors:
Clemmer, Amanda. “Top 20 Award Contests for Self-Published Authors.” Pen and Glory, 3 May 2022, Accessed 21 June 2023.
Although self-published authors bypass the traditional publishing route, many self-publishing authors are worth the effort to seek out. Where can you go to find these authors? Below are several websites that read and promote self-published authors who deserve to be discovered.
Book reviews can play a role in helping potential buyers judge the value and worthiness of self-published books. Here are some ways book reviews can assist you:
Reading multiple reviews and considering the overall consensus will allow a purchaser to make more informed decisions about whether a self-published book is valuable and aligns with their collection development goals.**
*Cerézo, Arvyn. "How do you find good self-published books?," Book Riot, 29 Aug. 2022, Accessed 19 June 2023.
**“Book Reviews.” The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Accessed 21 June 2023.