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Medical Assisting

This Research Guide provides information about medical assisting resources found in the CCCC libraries and online.

Medical Assisting Welcome!

Image of a person in scrubs holding a tablet with the words "Medical Assisting" printed below

Primary Library Resources

check mark iconFind trade journal articles, eBooks, newspaper articles, and more in the databases linked below. These links will take you to highest quality search engines for your field.

You must create an account to use Learning Express resources. 

Medical Assistant Flash Review
This handy guide features definitions for more than 600 concepts you are sure to find on your Certified Medical Assistant (AAMA) exam or any other Registered Medical Assistant test. It covers key topic areas, including core medical assisting knowledge, anatomy and physiology, clinical and administrative procedures, and more.

Medical Assistant: Preparation for the RMA and CMA Exams, 2nd Edition:
Get the job you want by scoring well on the Certified Medical Assistant or the Registered Medical Assistant exam. This up-to-date guide reviews every area tested by the official exams. It also includes tips for higher scores, overcoming anxiety, and more.

desktop computer iconFind trade journal articles, eBooks, newspaper articles, and more in the databases linked below. These links will take you to high quality search engines that will help you find the resources you need.

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No time to search? The library's databases also provide access to hundreds of thousands of eBooks. Take a look at the recommended title(s) linked below. 

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Find physical books by searching our online catalog on the library's homepage. You can browse in person and pick up these books by visiting your local library branch. Here are our hours and locations.

Online journal article iconYou can search our Journals or browse by subject from the library's homepage. For a quick look at what we have available in this subject area, see the title(s) below.

film iconCheck out the link(s) below to stream videos on this subject.  You can also visit Films on Demand to browse their entire collection.

Medical Assistant Many young people are interested in entry-level health care jobs that balance clinical duties with administrative functions. This program illustrates the ins and outs of just such a position—the certified medical assistant. The video examines a CMA’s typical responsibilities, such as maintaining patient records, managing a physician’s schedule, and preparing examining rooms, as well as the skills a successful medical assistant will need—including data entry, customer service, specimen collection, and first aid. Incorporating interviews with experienced medical assistants and the specialists who train them, the program describes what it takes to become a CMA, from the best high school courses to take to passing the CMA (AAMA) certification exam. A viewable/printable instructor’s guide containing additional material—including student activities, discussion questions, vocabulary terms, and fast facts—is available online. Correlates to national and state board certification standards. A Meridian Production. (20 minutes)


Daniel Crane Provides Overview of Electronic Medical Assistant Daniel Cane is president and CEO of Modernizing Medicine. In this clip, he provides an overview of the electronic medical assistant.

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We can also direct you to resources outside of the library's databases. See below for a selection of websites related to your field.

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Want to learn more about a particular career? These resources will help you learn more about the potential a career field holds. 

When searching for information in the sciences it is important to know that there are two main types of information you will encounter: primary and secondary sources.

Primary sources are resources that report the results of original scientific research, written by those who did the research, that has not been published anywhere else.

If a publication comments on, evaluates, or discusses the original research report, then it is a secondary source, not a primary one.

  Primary Source Secondary Source
DEFINITIONS Original materials that have not been filtered through interpretation or evaluation by a second party. Sources that contain commentary on or a discussion about a primary source.
TIMING OF PUBLICATION CYCLE Primary sources tend to come first in the publication cycle. Secondary sources tend to come second in the publication cycle.
FORMATS--depends on the kind of analysis being conducted. Conference papers, dissertations, interviews, laboratory notebooks, patents, a study reported in a journal article, a survey reported in a journal article, and technical reports. Review articles, magazine articles, and books.
Example: Scientists studying Genetically Modified Foods. Article in a scholarly journal reporting methodology and results of an original research study on GMO foods. Article or book analyzing, comparing, and commenting on the results of a number of original research studies. 

 Chart:  a rough guide to spotting bad science