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Faculty & Staff: OER Toolbox

Finding OER

Finding OER

Search these links for OER content:

Search by Subject

Explore the list of recommended OER repositories for your discipline area, curated by your colleagues here at CCCC.

Search Complete Courses

Look for full courses like Offers full courses online. Though they charge students to enroll, they have composed their courses using mostly open materials that can be copied, adapted, etc.
Lumen Learning: Offers complete courses composed of mostly open materials that can be copied and adapted for free. Lumen also offers partnering with institutions to manage and adapt resources for courses at a cost to students. Contact us if you would like to partner with Lumen.
Open Course LibraryThis WA project offers 81 of Washington's most enrolled courses. There are a lot of great readings in these course files. Great community college content

  • Complete Textbooks
    Open Textbook Library: Hundreds of complete, open college-level textbooks. Many include peer-reviews.
    Open Stax: Rice Connexions is providing peer reviewed, quality open textbooks.
  • Large Repositories
    OER Commons: Offers a variety of OER at a variety of levels and subjects. Use limiters on left side of results page.
    MERLOT: One of the biggest OER repositories, but a bit unwieldy and difficult to search. Use limiting options on the left side of results page.
  • Library Resources
    Consider filling in some of the gaps by using library resources, such as ebooks and articles.

Accessibility is an intrinsic part of OER.

A resource isn't open if it's not usable by all. 

Many programs, including the Microsoft suite of programs like Word & PowerPoint, have built-in accessibility checkers (look for "Check Accessibility" under the "Review" ribbon).  For more information on what makes your work more accessible, check out the following links:

Accessibility Checklist


  • Text includes markup that declares language of the content in a manner that is compatible with assistive technology.
  • The reading order for content logically corresponds to the visual layout of the page when rendered by assistive technology.
  • Text has a color contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1.

Organization & Structure

  • Headings and subheadings are used to organize content.
  • Text allows for navigation by structural elements (headings, chapters, pages) using assistive technology (or is rendered by an application such as a browser, media player, or reader that offers this functionality).


  • Images that convey information include alternative text (alt text) descriptions of the image’s content or function.
  • Graphs, charts, and maps also include contextual or supporting details in the text or a caption surrounding the image.
  • Images do not rely solely on color to convey information.
  • Images that are purely decorative have null alternative text or contain markup that allows them to be ignored by assistive technology.


  • The link is meaningful in context (descriptive) and does not use generic text such as “click here” or “read more.”
  • Links are rendered in a manner that allows them to be detected and activated with assistive technology (or are rendered by an application such as a browser, media player, or reader that offers this functionality).
  • Links do not open in new windows or tabs. If a link must open in a new window or tab, a textual reference is included in the link information (e.g., [NewTab]).


  • Tables include markup (e.g. tags or styles) that identifies row and column headers in a manner that is compatible with assistive technology (or are rendered by an application such as a browser, media player, or reader that offers this functionality).
  • Tables include captions.
  • Complex tables may be rendered as an image with alternative text.

Multimedia/Interactive Elements

  • Multimedia content and interactive elements are compatible with assistive technology.
  • A transcript is provided with all audio, including relevant non-speech, content.
    • Transcript includes: speaker’s name, all speech content, relevant descriptions of speech, descriptions of relevant non-speech audio, headings and subheadings.
  • Captions of all speech content and relevant non-speech content are included in the multimedia resource; this includes the audio synchronized with a video presentation.
  • Audio descriptions of contextual visuals (e.g., graphs, charts) are included in the multimedia resource.
  • Multimedia/interactive content does not contain anything that flashes more than three times in a one-second period.

Formulas/Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

  • Formulas and other STEM content are marked up in a manner that is compatible with assistive technology (ex. formulas created using MathML).
  • Formulas and other STEM content that are not compatible with assistive technology may be rendered as images with alternative text descriptions.

Font size

  • Font size is: 12 point or higher for body text; 9 point or higher for footnotes or endnotes.
  • Font size can be adjusted/zoomed to a minimum of 200%.


This checklist was adapted from Michigan State University Libraries’ OER Accessibility Checklist and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.