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How to tell if something is C.R.A.P.
Currency: Scholarly information should be current. When evaluating an article, find the date of publication. In certain fields, anything older than five years is not considered current.
Relevance: Information you find should be relevant to your topic.
Does it apply directly to your topic?
Does the whole article apply, or only small parts?
How detailed is the information?
Reliability: Is the information reliable? Can you count on it being true? Check for...
References and citations
Peer-review status
Is it consistent with the other information you've found? If not, does it acknowledge this discrepancy and explain it?
Is there any potential for bias from the author?
Authority: Make sure you can identify the author of the article and they have the authority to write on the subject. Anyone can share their opinion online--but you're looking for experts! So, identify...
How many authors?
What are their credentials (degrees, jobs at universities)?
Have they written other articles or books on related subjects?
Is their any potential for bias?
Purpose: Why was the article written? Can you tell? Knowing what an author hoped to do or gain by writing and publishing an article tells you a lot about how useful it is in an academic setting. Ask yourself...
Who is the intended audience?
Is the article meant to inform, entertain, persuade, sell, or add to an already existing scholarly conversation?
Does the article share the results of a study, experiment, or analysis?