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Step by Step Guide

​​​​​​Supplies Needed

Pencil, paper and a good eraser


A digital art program and either a drawing tablet or a mouse

  1. Start by drawing a circle. It doesn’t have to be perfect. 

  2. Add a smaller oval to the side of your circle, almost as if the circle and oval share a section of themselves. 

  3. Inside of that oval, add a cross. Aside from the circle itself, this cross is one of two that will be the foundation of your drawing. Make sure it is as evenly centered in the oval as possible. 

  4. Continue the cross line all the way through the circle. Add two more similar lines equidistant with each other. They should align with the bottom and top of your oval. Add an additional line the same distance from the bottom most line. This will be important later. These lines will be your guide for the rest of the drawing. The topmost line represents your hair line, the next one down represents your brow line. The third line is your nose and the final one is your chin.

  5. Add a curving line down the middle of your circle until it meets the brow line. From there, draw a straight line down until it meets around the chin line. The new line needs to be parallel with the vertical line in the oval. This line divides the face and marks the line of symmetry. This is the framework for the rest of the drawing. 

  6. Add some lines to mark the general location of the brows

  7. From here, you're going to carve out the indentations caused by a person’s eye sockets and lengthen the chin line so it comes into contact with your symmetry line. Also, add a small line just to the side of the cross in the oval. This line will symbolize where the jaw attaches to the face.

  8. Next you're adding structure to the face. Hug the curve of the circle for the cheekbone and drop it down towards the chin and back up towards the jaw line. Finally, add a line to represent the location of the nose. It will match up with the nose line. 

  9. Add a line at the bottom of the circle where it meets the symmetry line to represent where the mouth will go. The back bottom quadrant of your oval will house the ear. 

  10. Next you’ll add the nose, which will run from the slight curve coming from the brow line all the way to your nose marker. Also, add a nostril. Following the line of symmetry, from the corner of the nose all the way to where the nose bends into the brow line. Make two dots to indicate the corners of the eyes. 

  11. Starting from the two dots, add the eyes. A basic parallelogram shape works for now. This will be refined later. You're also going to add cheekbone lines to help add a little more detail. 

  12. Now clean up the face a little, removing any unnecessary line clutter, and add a mouth. Start with a simple line and add a top and bottom lip.

  13. Now that you have all of the basic pieces down, let's refine it a bit. Add curvature to the the face to make the drawing have a stronger chin and add eyebrows. These will be built off the brow line.

  14. Draw a light line defining the contour of where the hair line meets the rest of the face. 

  15. Clean up any unnecessary lines in your drawing.

  16. Using the previously drawn hair line as a guide, start sketching in the hair. Use thin lines to convey motion in the hair.

  17. Add more detail to the eyes. Curve the parallelogram corners into something closer to a boxy oval. Add the pupils and a few age lines around the eyes. 

  18. Finally, add any shading or additional details you wish to add.